Fundae encourages sectoral training through recognition
Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo -Fundae- (State Foundation for Employment Training) addressed training needs of sectoral professionals in sustainable construction and its recognition, this Thursday, as part of its Construye 2020+ work.
More than twenty social agents attended workshop «Roadmap and proposal of Green Tag: Promoting training and the recognition in sustainable construction”, organized by Fundae, last November 7th.
Europe is committed to a qualified construction sector, where the professionals that were updated their skills on new techniques and on sustainable construction trends could recognized their qualification. In order to achieve this, Construye 2020+ partnership is working on development of a Green Tag that will be included in Professional Construction Card (TPC), to recognize skills of workers trained in energy efficiency, renewable energy systems and in nearly zero-energy building (nZeb).
Antonio de Luis, manager of Fundae, was in charge of welcoming the participants, highlighting the importance of energy transition that is taking place in several sectors of the labour market, and especially in construction. In his speech, he pointed out the institutional commitment to accreditation and recognition of skills acquired at work, or through non-formal channels, highlighting its participation as a Construye 2020+ partner, in which promote the knowledge acquisition. for its part, Javier Vargas, project officer at Fundae, explained the eight courses that will be incorporated into project’s catalogue of training specialities.
In addition, Esther Rodriguez, International Project project officer at Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, remarked Green Tag need as a system to encourage sectoral trainins, and explained that consortium promotes structured learning pills in order to be practical, agile, less bureaucratic and affordable for SMEs.
Construye 2020+ workshop at Fundae. Moments before start workshop. Antonio de Luis, manager of Fundae, at the opening. Attendees at Construye 2020+ workshop. Javier Vargas, Fundae project officer, presenting Construye 2020+ project. Esther Rodríguez, International project officer at Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, explaining Construye 2020+ training.