The key role of construction for a ‘climate-neutral Europe’ in 2050
The European Union (EU) indicates that the path towards a climate-neutral economy will require action by member countries in seven strategic areas: energy efficiency; deployment of renewable energies; clean, safe and connected mobility; competitive industry and circular economy; infrastructures and
Spain is leading the path towards the new construction sector in Europe
Strategic projects such as Construction Blueprint, H&S Blueprint or Construye 2020+, led by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, highlight the European Union's objectives in energy efficiency, digitalisation and circular economy on Europe Day. Energy efficiency, digitalisation, circular economy; professional mobility, full
Construye 2020+, at IES Emérita Augusta in Mérida
Two projects from the Horizon 2020 program have arrived at the Institute. IES Emerita Augusta de Mérida (Badajoz) today opened its doors to the Horizon 2020 Construye 2020+ and Net-Ubiep projects, explained by José Antonio Tenorio, Senior Scientist at the Eduardo
Construye 2020+ and Net-Ubiep show the interest in BIM by sector professionals
More than 50 construction sector professionals met today at the Instituto Eduardo Torroja de Ciencias de la Construcción of the CSIC (IETCC-CSIC) to attend the training workshop on BIM and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB), which the organisation organises in
Report on the European training roadmap to promote sustainable construction sector
The European project Construye 2020+ transforms the dialogue between Academy and Business into a debate between more than 70 experts from five areas of society: Politics, Education, Economy, Culture/Social and Environment. As a result, a report for the updating of
Five-area participation model for analysing and advancing the promotion of sustainable development and the circular economy in society
The Quintuple Helix paradigm, used in the European project Construye 2020+, involves representatives from the Political, Educational, Economic, Cultural and Environmental areas in a knowledge exchange network. At the end of the 1990s, Henry Etzkowitz and Loet Leydesdorff created the concept