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Green tag

  /    /  Green tag
The distinction of the Construye 2020+ courses is the ‘green tag’

The Green tag is a tag that validates that a person has a certain set of competences in sustainable construction.

There are three types of Green tag, depending on the level of sustainable construction competences:

 How is it achieved?

The person who requires it, can obtain the Green tag in two different ways:

  • Successfully completing a training course:
    • Basic skills in sustainable construction: Energy efficiency course for Operators (8 hours).
    • Intermediate skills in sustainable construction: Energy efficiency course for Middle management (8 hours).
    • Advanced skills in sustainable construction (specialised courses of 20-60-90 hours).
  • Validating the experience:
    • Knowledge and skills in sustainable construction can be validated through a theoretical and practical test, depending on the level of competences to be validated.
    • Further information can be obtained by writing to 
    • Regulation of the validation system