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Construction Observatory

A space for exchange, debate and discussion with the main social agents, institutions, organizations and any group interest in the construction sector. It try to be a meeting point for professionals and construction entities with the contribution of different visions and perspectives, a channel for knowledge transfer and sector enrichment.

Incual Professional Observatory

Royal Decree 375/1999 of 5 March 1999, creating the National Institute of Qualifications, states:

“The Observatory shall actively promote the cooperation of the rest of the sectorial and territorial observatories that may exist, capable of achieving the following aims:

a) To establish the necessary procedures and agreements that ensure cooperation and the reciprocal flow of information between the different professional observatories. These agreements shall contemplate the participation of the social agents and shall define the technical specifications of the information to be provided and received, as well as its minimum contents.

b) To provide information on the evolution of the demand and supply of professions, occupations and profiles in the labour market, also taking into account, among others, the professional classification systems arising from collective bargaining”.

Skills Panorama. Inspiring choices on skills and jobs in Europe

Building on more than a decade of experience in developing and disseminating skills information, this website brings together analysis and research to provide better and more synthetic evidence on current and future skills and labour market trends. Narrative visualisations are used to help policy makers and other users of skills information understand trends across occupations, sectors, countries and skills.

European Construction Sector Observatory

The European Construction Sector Observatory is an initiative under the COSME programme. It regularly analyses and carries out comparative assessments on the construction sector in all 28 EU countries – aiming to keep European policymakers and stakeholders up to date on market conditions and policy developments.

European Construction Skills Observatory

The European Construction Skills Observatory is an initiative of the Construction Blueprint project, part of the Erasmus+ programme, led by Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, which will be launched in June 2022. It is a web-based tool that will anticipate skills needs through the use of a big data methodology at national and regional level, combining information from primary (surveys) and secondary sources. This tool will support partners in making decisions regarding training provision.

Observatory for Nature-Based Solutions

The Observatory for Nature-Based Solutions, launched by Conama Foundation and IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, offers a space for knowledge exchange between professionals, with tools such as a catalogued library of practical documents, a database of projects or a directory of professionals that facilitates the search for alliances between users.

2030 Observatory

The 2030 Observatory is an initiative led by Consejo Superior de los Colegios de Arquitectos de España (CSCAE) to promote the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in our country.

European Union Building Materials Observatory

This observatory contains a database, a mapper and fact sheets to monitor the energy performance of buildings across Europe. It covers a wide range of energy-related topics and provides information on building stock, energy consumption, building elements and technical building systems installed, energy performance certificates, nearly zero energy buildings and renovation rates, but also areas such as energy poverty and financing aspects.

Energy Poverty Advisory Hub

The Energy Poverty Advisory Hub is an exciting new initiative of the European Commission to assist Member States in their efforts to combat energy poverty. It aims to improve the measurement, monitoring and exchange of knowledge and best practices on energy poverty.