Ministry of Education hosts the Fivefold Helix Educational sphere
The last Quintuple Helix area was focused on Education, and was held on 15th November at Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training. To this workshop, we have had representatives of General Council of Official Associations of Quantity Surveyors and Technical Architects, ‘Virgen de la Paloma’ Secondary School, ‘Enrique Tierno Galván’ Secondary School and ‘San Fernando’ Secondary School, and of Polytechnic University of Madrid, ‘Carabanchel Salesian’ Institute, National Reference Centre for Building and Civil Works, ‘San Blas’ Secondary Education Institute, ‘Las Canteras’ Secondary Education Institute and ‘Prado’ Secondary Education Institute, ‘DGF’, and Ministry of Education. The objective of this Helix was to gather opinions of a professionals group in sectoral education, also we tried to find out future training needed according with energy saving, and environmental protection. The results obtained, together with the other four helix, will be used for:- Identifying strategic training of construction professionals needs, to take advantage of energy savings and of improvement of buildings, and the result of greenhouse gas reduction emissions.
- Designing, with an environmental criteria, necessary training to carry out works, because actually they have a disconnection between design of energy saving and execution of the same, which limits their effectiveness. Some studies show that 40% of building energy efficiency depends on the insulation, and on the workers professional qualifications.
For more information about the Educational Helix, download following report (in Spanish): Once five areas of Quintuple Methodology have been completed, we are going to celebrate a validation meeting and a report that will provide ‘Training Roadmap for Sustainable Construction. Quintuple Helix Model’. To know the previous Helix, click on the following links: Political Helix, Social Helix, Environmental Helix and Economic Helix.