The partnership faces the final stretch of the project by implementing ‘eco’ training in the sector
Construye 2020+ has organised the seventh project meeting to tackle the work in view of the extended deadline and the current pandemic situation.
Last Friday, the six partners of Construye 2020+ met to define the steps to be taken in the implementation of the ‘eco’ training in the construction sector, considering the extension of the project and the current situation of Covid-19, which hinders the planned development.
During the meeting, participants discussed the training offer of Construye 2020+ and the updating of the competences of the Build Up Skills courses, which aim to strengthen the knowledge of building workers in the field of energy efficiency, renewable energy systems, sustainability, geothermal installations, biomass and air conditioning, among others. As leader of the initiative, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción presented the progress achieved in the six Build Up Skills courses. These were analysed and validated by experts in sustainability, insulation and energy profitability in the construction sector, who provided their professional vision with the aim of adapting the contents to the current needs of the sector.
The Centre for Research on Energy Resources and Consumption (Circe) presented the Construye 2020+ recognition and certification system, which will allow professionals in the sector with knowledge in sustainability and ‘eco’ construction to be distinguished. Moreover, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo (Fundae) and Instituto Nacional de la Cualificaciones (Incual) summarised the work carried out so far in organising the pilots to be held in the coming months. In addition the coordinator’s presentation of the new and renewed ‘Ruta Construye 2020+‘, surprised with an innovative and ‘eco’ version of Ruta Construye 2020, held in June and July 2016.
Finally, the partners discussed the management, dissemination and financial aspects of the project, in view of the time extension of its implementation.
The Build Up Skills alliance continues to be a benchmark for construction training in European networks.
Build Up Skills is one of the European flagships in promoting sustainable skills for professionals in the construction sector. This partnership, launched by the European Commission in 2011, is justified in the strategic objectives of ‘Europe 2020’, the roadmap ‘Resource Efficient Europe’ and the ‘Agenda for new skills and jobs: a European contribution towards full employment’.
Currently, Construye 2020+ is the third part of a set of European initiatives that started in Spain in 2011, under the leadership and coordination of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción. This entity, together with a multidisciplinary partnership and experts in training and sustainable construction, managed to successfully develop the Build Up Skills Spain -Pillar I (2011-2013)- and Build Up Skills Spain ‘Construye 2020′ -Pillar II (2013-2016)-
These partnerships’ success is due to the project’s repercussion in Europe, which has led it to participate in the XII European Exchange Meeting of Build Up Skills, organised by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (Easme), on 10 December. At the event, Miguel de Gracia, head of International Projects at Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, presented the project, the results and achievements of thre partnership.
Likewise, Esther Rodríguez, International Projects technician at the institution, presented Construye 2020+ in the European network Conference on Project Development (CPD), which deals with training in the sector and the updating of professionals’ skills together with the improvement of their competitiveness in the labour market.