Experts in sustainable construction validate the three courses on the Installation of Air Conditioning, Biomass and Geothermal Systems
Yesterday, the fourth and last focus group was held online with experts from the green building sector who have analysed and validated the three Build Up Skills courses on Installation of Air Conditioning, Biomass and Geothermal Systems.
Fundación Estatal para la Formación en el Empleo (Fundae), together with the coordinator of the Construye 2020+ project, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, organised on 17th December a focus group with a ten experts in sustainability, insulation and efficiency to address the update of the Build Up Skills courses, carried out by the Horizon 2020 initiative partnership.
The aim of this meeting was for professionals with experience in the construction sector to analyse and validate the contents, layouts and didactic resources developed in the courses on the Installation of Air Conditioning, Biomass and Geothermal Systems.
These three trainings were part of the training programme developed by Build Up Skills Spain ‘Construye 2020’ project (2013-2016), a previous initiative of the current Construye 2020+ project and second part of Build Up Skills Spain project (2011-2013):
- Course on Insulation.
- Course on Window Installation.
- Course on Geothermal Installations.
- Course on Biomass Installations.
- Course on Air Conditioning Installations.
- Course on Energy Efficiency Profitability.