Construction industry experts validate Build Up Skills’ Window Installation course
Construye 2020+ partnership has organised the second focus group, with sectoral experts, to know their opinions and suggestions about one of the Build Up Skills courses, in particular on Window Installation.
On 17th November, around ten professionals from the construction sector met online to take part in the Build Up Skills course on Window Installation. The Construye 2020+ partnership has updated this training for the third edition of Spanish Build Up Skills initiatives (2011-2013 Build Up Skills Spain; 2013-2016 Build Up Skills Spain “Construye 2020”, and 2018-2021 Construye 2020+).
The debate organised by the National Institute of Qualifications (Instituto Nacional de las Cualificaciones -Incual-), which is part of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, together with the leader of the initiative, Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, brought together members of the Galician Association of Cladding Companies (Asociación de Empresas de Cerramientos de Galicia -Aecalpo-), the Association of PVC Windows (Asociación de ventanas de PVC -Asoven-), the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Light Façades and Windows (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Fachadas Ligeras y Ventanas -Asefave-), as well as members of the Spanish Council of Technical Architecture, among others.
The participants of this second discussion group gave their assessment on the theoretical contents, compiled in an online format, and the practical contents, foreseen in workshops. They also evaluated the micro-programming of the course and the didactic resources used in its development.
The Construye 2020+ Window Installation training, which will be available very soon, is structured within the Build Up Skills courses, which include:
- Course on Insulation.
- Course on Window Installation.
- Course on Geothermal Installations.
- Course on Biomass Installations.
- Course on Air Conditioning Installations.
- Course on Energy Efficiency Profitability.