Incual addresses regulatory obligations on air-conditioning and energy efficiency
More than ten professionals from construction sector attended workshop on “Technical Training in Air-Conditioning and Energy Efficiency” organized by Instituto Nacional de las Cualificaciones -Incual- (National Institute of Qualifications).
As a partner of Construye 2020+ project, and as the body responsible to define national catalogue of professional qualifications, Incual addressed the skills in air-conditioning and energy efficiency by sectoral professionals, according to regulations and market demands. The workshop celebrated yesterday, 28th October, was organized in the facilities of National Confederation of Associations of Installers and Fluids (Conaif), in Madrid.
Jesús Torres, trainer and energy auditor at Auditorian, presented the structure and contents of Technical Building Code (CTE) 2019; and the basic documents of this regulations (DB-HE). He also defined energy efficiency, taking into account the concepts of energy saving, effectiveness and efficiency, energy qualification, and some concepts that are integrated into energy services and energy management systems. It also described roles of advisor, energy manager and auditor; about the last role, Torres addressed the current problems that Construye 2020+will try to solve. The project will design and development an Energy Auditor qualification, as a professional framework of national scope and with a base to design a professional training degree or a certificate of professionalism.
During his presentation, Torres connected use of energy efficiency in buildings saving and in facilities, with environment friendly and energy independence. In addition to these advantages, he also highlighted benefits of using unlimited resources from nature.