Quintuple Helix addresses social sphere in sustainable construction
Construye 2020+ project continued with Quintuple Helix development, the next step was the Social sphere, organised by Fundae on October 15, at Madrid.
Representatives from Association of Insulation Installers in Buildings, National Construction Confederation, Federation of Industry, Construction and Agriculture of General Union of Workers, Confederation of Consumers and Users, the Foundation ‘La Casa que Ahorra’, Green Building Council España, European University of Madrid, General Council of Technical Architecture and the company ‘Saint Gobain Placo Ibérica, SA’ attended.
Society’s needs of energy efficiency
The aim of this helix was to debate about the society’s needs related to energy efficiency and renewable energy, and sectoral developments and discovered consumer demands about these issues; and possible measures that would improve by Vocational Training and Educational (VET) system, as other measures not linked with training.
To take into account society’s approach, several relevant agents of construction sectorwere participated, including: social agents, companies, universities and areas related to sustainable building of non-profit organisations.
Like Political Helix, Social sphere was emphasized by a World-Coffee that addressing these three key issues:
- Theme 1: Challenges and developments. Challenges and new materials, technology, construction systems or work organization in sector.
- Theme 2: Difficulties. Barriers that sector faces from different areas: from regulations, from business dynamics, workers, customers, etc.
- Theme 3: Measures. Proposals for solving these barriers or overcoming difficulties described above.
If you want to find more out about the Social Helix, download the report (in Spanish):
Coming soon, we will celebrate the Environmental, Economical and Educative.