Construye 2020+ meets with ‘EPIU Getafe. Hogares Saludables’ to share sustainable strategies
The European project EPIU Getafe. Hogares Saludables focuses on tackling energy poverty in this city of Madrid, through a multidisciplinary partnership that will develop a data analysis system to identify the most vulnerable families in this area, and will propose tailor-made solutions.
Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, as leader of the initiative, has met with representatives of the EPIU Getafe. Hogares Saludables project, which belongs to the Urban Innovative Actions (UIA) programme of the European Commission, to foster synergies and share best practices in Energy Efficiency. Both projects count on the collaboration of the Spanish Association of Manufacturers of Lightweight Facades and Windows (Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Fachadas Ligeras y Ventanas -Asefave-), with which they share the objective of promoting a nation-wide sustainable construction sector. They have the willing of transferring their results to other European communities.
More about EPIU Getafe. Hogares Saludables
The project, led by Getafe City Council, aims to identify and reduce fuel poverty in the city, specifically in La Alhóndiga-Fátima and Las Margaritas neighbourhoods. A nationally renowned consortium, part of EPIU Getafe, is working on the development of an Energy Poverty Intelligence Unit to identify, address and combat hidden energy poverty in Getafe:
- Getafe City Council (Ayuntamiento de Getafe);
- Municipal Land and Housing Company (Empresa Municipal de Suelo y Vivienda -EMSV-);
- Carlos III University of Madrid (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid -UC3M-);
- Environmental Science Association (Asociación de Ciencias Ambientales -ACA-);
- Naturgy Foundation (Fundación Naturgy);
- Khora Urban Thinkers;
- Polytechnic University of Madrid (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid -UPM-);
- Red Cross;
- Fundación Laboral de la Construcción.
The system will classify the vulnerable groups detected, based on three scales: house, building and neighbourhood, and they will be offered an exclusive and personalised advice system. In addition, an Energy Poverty Service will be created to assist citizens.
Throughout the project, information campaigns will be carried out and specialised courses on energy rehabilitation and ‘green’ skills for construction professionals will be launched.