First focus group to validate Construye 2020+ course on Thermal insulation of buildings
Construye 2020+ partnership is launching the first focus group with experts to validate the training coursesthat are being developed by the European initiative to promote ‘green’ learning in sectoral workers.
Today the first focus group was held to validate the Construye 2020+ courses, through videoconference, in order to comply with the security measures established by the Spanish government about Covid-19. During the discussion, led by Fundae and Fundación Laboral de la Construcción, and with the presence of representatives from the partnership, we were able to hear the opinions of the 20 experts in training, learning validation, teaching innovation, thermal insulation and sustainable construction, who tested the platform of the course on Thermal insulation of buildings first-hand.
During the session we have taken the recommendations into account, to apply following it in the Mooc (Masive Open Online Course) with the help of the Institute of Robotics and Information and Communication Technologies (IRTIC) of the University of Valencia -technological member of the consortium-.
Improving the green impulse in the construction sector training
As was explained during the debate, Construye 2020+ partnership will update the Build Up Skills courses according to the needs of the currently construction sector, at European level. In the third edition of the Spanish Build Up Skills initiatives (2011-2013, Build Up Skills Spain; 2013-2016, Build Up Skills Spain “Construye 2020”; and 2018-2021, Construye 2020+) we will respond to the demands of the labour market and improve the skills of industry professionals.
- Course on Insulation.
- Course on Window Installation.
- Course on Geothermal Installations.
- Course on Biomass Installations.
- Course on Air Conditioning Installations.
- Course on Energy Efficiency Profitability.